Thank you for visiting the CMSAS Limited website. Please note, we are NOT the Child Maintenance Service (CMS). If you need to contact the CMS, the number for an existing case with the CMS is 0800 171 2345 and for a new case is 0800 988 0988 or you can go to their website here: CMSAS Limited consultants are specialists in the Statutory Scheme of child support, as administered by the Child Maintenance Service. We would like to make you aware that we are not the Child Maintenance Service (CMS). We are a private company that provide a chargeable service of support, guidance and advice to both Receiving and Paying Parents, with Child Maintenance issues, assessments, appeals, tribunals and all Child Maintenance matters pertaining to the CMS (Child Maintenance Service) and/or HMCTS (Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service), including where difficulties develop with the CMS and/or HMCTS.


Team illustration


A single point of contact for everything CMS...

Why use CMSAS?

CMSAS Ltd was founded after the partners (one a resident parent and the other a non-resident parent) experienced the frustration and complexity of dealing with the CMS through their own cases, with one going through the First Tier Tribunal hearing process.

The founders understand how complex, frustrating and stressful it can be, whether you are not receiving the right amount, have been incorrectly assessed, are unable to get the CMS to acknowledge there is an issue or are facing a court hearing.


There are many websites available online that you can use to check information. Please be mindful that each and every case is individual and different. What may have worked for the person online, your friend, your co-worker, does not mean it will automatically work for you.

Who are CMSAS? 

CMSAS Ltd is the Child Maintenance Support & Advisory Service.
We are here to help guide, advise and support you fully throughout your entire Child Maintenance journey.
We are a fully independent support and advice service with no affiliation to the Child Maintenance Service or the Child Support Agency, or any other advisory or legal body.
We are current, impartial and informed.  We don’t judge.


Experienced since 2012 with UK Child Support rules, regulations and procedures.

Our Child Support consultants can help you with all your queries and issues relating to Child Support maintenance.

We can offer guidance and signposting for private arrangements and agreements for child maintenance.

How we can help

Here's what we can, and cannot, help with...

We can help with:

  • Child Maintenance issues in England & Wales.
  • Cases under the HM Courts & Tribunals Service.
  • Challenging decisions which are incorrect (in law) or poorly administered.
  • Private Arrangements
  • Family Based Arrangements
  • Agreements & Orders
  • Agreeing a payment plan that is more manageable.
  • Arrears
  • Enforcement Action
  • CMS Complaints
  • The Independent Case Examiner (ICE)
  • Tribunal Support & Guidance
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Support Appeals, Variations & Reconsiderations
  • Other Relevant Children
  • Maintenance Calculations 


We cannot help with:

  • Child Maintenance issues overseas or outside England & Wales.
  • Child Access Arrangements (although we can refer you to experienced, recommended legal professionals we have used ourselves).
  • Enforcement of payment from non-payers.
  • Removal of valid debt.
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